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consortium comprises 10 partners from 5 EU member states
(Spain, Italy, Greece, Lithuania, and UK). The driving forces
behind the project are the SME-AGs. The SME-AGs provide direct
access to SMEs active in tourism and retail sector in their
respective countries. They will gain this access through
direct links to individual SMEs as well as through the SME
advisory board. There are 4 SME AGs in the consortium each
representing a different country spread across Europe, with
varying types of members. The SME-AGs have grouped together to
form the consortium due to the need of their SME members.
Through this project, these SME-AGs will be at the forefront
of the new media applications.
addition there are strong participants from research
organisations (VELTI, IHG, NIO, and BU). There is a strong
commitment within the consortium to the building of a durable
project and management structure that will be sustainable
beyond the duration of the project thus to facilitate the
subsequent exploitation, dissemination on the road to the
Consortium is built according to the, so called,
‘best-of-breed’ partnering approach in which companies and
academia are partnering and each participating company takes
its position in the business based on its core competency. In
that respect, the project brings together private sector
partners, with genuine commercial interest in mobile solutions
for SMEs, prestigious academic organisations with proven
expertise in e-tourism and a group of pilot users in 4
European countries that wish to test and adopt an integrated a
new mobile media platform.
This promotes interconnection of entities , and, hence,
ensuring the sustainability of the service after the EC
funding has finished.
partners represent a good mixture of countries, having major
differences on issues such as ICT maturity, m-business
development etc. Pilots and market validation in different
countries will assess peculiarities and differences in order
to assist on its EU-wide perspective. This diverse sample of
countries represented in the Consortium will be a valuable
asset for useful lessons and practices, at least for the final
deployment plan.
Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Navigation of Barcelona,
also known as the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce is a public
corporation founded in 1886 with headquarters in Barcelona,
and regulated by the law 3 / 93 and Act 14/2002 of Catalonia
whose primary function is to defend the interests of
businesses and provide the necessary actions for the
promotion of trade and industry – essentially all Barcelona
companies are required by law to be part of the Barcelona
Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber of Commerce of Barcelona is
one of the most representative institutions of Barcelona and
a first order’s point of reference for the country's
socio-economic arena.
: It is an active member of EuroChambres and cooperates with
other European Chambers and institutions through its Office
in Brussels. The Chamber supports businesses in the Province
of Naples in all their activities of internationalization
and promotion, including territorial marketing and
exporting. The Naples Chamber is active in EU cooperation
activities. It was lead partner of Euro-China Food 2004, and
partner in TRIPAK and Vietnam Food Network, all financed by
the EU Asia Invest Programme. The Chamber is partner in
Bridg€conomies - Business Relays for Innovation and
Development of Growing Economies - Enterprise Europe
Network. It was Lead Partner of the INTERREG IIIB ARCHIMED
project ARCHI-ISLE. The Chamber is currently Lead partner of
the TN MED project SHIFT - Sustainable Tourism In Fragile
Territories – and partner in TN MED project REINPO RETAIL -
Regional Innovative Policies to reinforce the retail sector.
Lithuanian Association of
Hotels and Restaurants
Brighton & Hove Chamber
of Commerce
United Kingdom
Information Highway Group
2) pioneer virtual systems for education, investment and
banking, commerce, retail, manufacturing, food traceability,
etc. Some of its projects have Since the early 90s, IHG has
participated in over 5 EC funded projects.
University of Bournemouth
United Kingdom
The continuous on-going advancements in materials science,
location technology, power storage / delivery as well as,
processing speeds and algorithms, is enabling mobiles to
establish itself across a broad spectrum of different
markets. As a result, Niobium Labs provides custom made
solutions with emphasis in the field of: 1) Augmented
reality 2) QR code campaigns 3) Location Technology
Applications 4) Mobile Games and 5) Social Game Dynamics.
Metis S.A
Barcelona Chamber of Commerce
The Chamber of Commerce of Barcelona, a SME association, is
the project Coordinator and Administrator, and acts as a
liaison with EU. It is responsible for the smooth running of
pilot in the area of Barcelona, Spain. It will provide input
in WP2-Needs analysis. It will perform dissemination
activities for its members. BCN will act as the project
coordinator of the WP1.
The Chamber of Commerce of Naples, a SME Association, is
leader for the WP6 of dissemination. It is the responsible for
the pilot runs in Naples, Italy, and will provide input
in WP2-Needs analysis. It will perform dissemination
activities for its members.
LVRA, a lituanian association of companies of hospitality,
will be responsible for the pilot runs in Lithuania, and will
provide input in WP2-Needs analysis. It will perform
disseminations activities for its members, assisting in the
implementation of the Demo phase of the project, namely WP5.
The Chamber of Commerce of Brighton & Grove, a SME
Association, will be the responsible for the pilot runs in
Brighton, United Kingdom, and will provide input in
WP2-Needs analysis. It will perform dissemination activities
for its members.
VELTI is specialized in implementing highly targeted,
interactive, and measurable campaigns by communicating with
and engaging consumers via their mobile devices. It will be
the leader for WP4-Platform Development. It will provide the
basis of the DIG Platform.
IHG, as a RTD performer has a lot of experience in mobile
platforms in the context of sensor networks. IHG will lead the
pilot phase, WP5. Also it will provide valuable insights to
the platform development, WP4, regarding the potential
expansion of DIG platform to the Internet of Things, making
use of RFIDs (radiofrequency identificators).
BU is leader of the WP3-Development of Methodology where its
expertise on e-tourism will play a paramount role.
Furthermore, it has experience in evaluating pilots runs for
E.U projects (i.e i-SeT )
NIOBIUM LABS will play a significant role in the platform
development. It will provide the acoustic proof of presence
concept, advance analytic of the DIG usage and the development
of a first batch of applications.
METIS through its international network (Belgium, UK, Cyprus
,Baltic) will explore opportunities for the commercial
exploitation of the DIG platform after the life of the project
Urbaks, playing the role of a final user, will act as a best
practise example. It will act as a change agent for the other