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main objective of this project is to identify the best way of
enabling SMEs to get access to mobile new media applications
and take advantage from the new channels that these
applications offer. DIG plans to conduct 4 Validation Case
Studies of how SMEs from 4 European Countries can take most
advantage from DIG applications and methodologies. Through
Validation Pilots we plan to identify and prototype the
customization and adaptations which will be necessary to
facilitate the adoption and the effective deployment of the
DIG system in the targeted countries. We also plan to identify
the best way of positioning DIG in the tourism/retail market
and in different European countries, preparing for deployment
first in the target segments and countries in which Validation
has been conducted, and then progressively to the other
European countries.
The project will develop a
technical solution to problems common to a large number of
SMEs in the specific tourism and retail sectors through
research by developing a platform conforming European norms
and standards, and that meets legal regulatory requirements
related to consumer protection and privacy. The expected
outcome should demonstrate a clear economic impact for the SME
members through increased visibility and sales but also to the
Associations by allowing them to offer a better service and
increase their membership revenues. The project will
contribute in addressing EU societal objectives including
employment, environment and contribution to standards given
that it will increase tourist-related employment, reduce
carbon footprint through the use of information technologies
instead of alternative paper-based support systems and also
foster new Europe-wide standards related to location-based
services. The project will increase transnational
technological cooperation amongst SME-AGs and between SME-AGs
and research organisations given that it will provide a
bottom-up approach to innovation – very much like the world
wide web was a European invention.