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Here we will be posting
information about the different applications of DIG. The
RTD consortium will provide an indicative initial series
of applications to start with:
1. DIG QR Codes
2. DIG proof of presence
3. Mobile communities-Alerts
4. Mobile Store locator
5. Mobile invitations
6. DIG Shopping
7. Restaurant social network
8. Advance analytics
At the same time, by providing the opportunity for 3rd
Party Development, the offering of services will be
continuously enhanced. The goal is to create a DIG Mobile
Application Store, where the 3rd Party Developers will
choose on their distribution model: an application can be
free because the developer is offering it at no cost to
the consumer while charging for other things within the
application. There would be also applications that are
free to use but that charge for physical goods that you
can have delivered through the application. Other
applications instead will be free to users and derive
their revenue from advertising. This can be done with
banners as well as full page advertising between game
levels for instance. By allowing 3rd party development,
the DIG Project expects to secure its constant development
and allows for applications to be added that are user
generated and driven.