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Can you imagine that everyone (including every
business) could write on the walls of a street? That is what DIGITAL
GRAFFITI will be a proxy for. It will enable content originators
to write on the walls and leave messages for others. Many will
be able to write on the same walls. Users that want to read
messages will do so with a filter so that only the “GRAFFITI”
they are interested in are shown to them. To write and read a
smart phone with simple location tags of different sorts will be
used (such as QR codes or GPS markers). The idea is simple but
the changes it will enable profound – perhaps very much like
SMSs, email or even Facebook where simple ideas that had strong
lasting impacts.
From a technical point of
view, the application, will have three major architectural
components, the DIG server (offering Graffiti hosting),
the 3rd party development applications (that will provide
intelligence to Graffiti placements) and the mobile clients
(that will provide input/output functionalities as well as
location information via GPS, QR codes, etc).
DIG will start operating on city centers by being
an operational service that offers tourists all the existing
digital content related to the street they are walking in. The
emphasis is to offer all the available content (not just that
related to an application) in the densest form possible creating
the best possible laboratory to test smart applications for a
target group of users. The project aims to take the Information
Services of local SME actors to the next level by sharing best
practices and offering a localized multi-language service in
crowded city centers with the aim of generating an ecosystem
that will make the service grow beyond the city center‘s
frontiers. We aim to target a few application domains to
jump-start the service with the idea of creating a critical mass
so that third party SMEs can create additional applications.
The research leading to these results has
received funding from the European Union's Seventh
Framework Programme managed by REA-Research Executive
Agency http://ec.europa.eu/research/rea(FP7/2007-2013)
under grant agreement n° «286927» |